Monday, November 24, 2008


OH MY GOD IT'S SO FUCKING COLD IN MY ROOM WHY WHY WHY WHY? Yeah. I have to take a bath just to restore circulation to my feet now.

So, page five! Thus ends scene two. I totally needed some rich old name for one of the armchair dicks, so I just swiped one from my pal Edith Wharton.

Oh, Newland...

Friday, November 21, 2008


It's so freaking cold in my room. Drawing silly comics to stay warm. Also drinking hot chocolate.

So yeah, page four. I debated for awhile over what scene should come next. I didn't want to confuse people, but I also thought it was important for the next main character to be "on camera" ASAP. So here we go! And also, I thought I was ON TOP of the stupid freaking tea tray until I finished. And then I realized it switched hands in the last two panels. YAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Fuck it, maybe she's just not a lefty, y'know? She was just shifting shit around. Yeah, that's it.