Monday, November 24, 2008


OH MY GOD IT'S SO FUCKING COLD IN MY ROOM WHY WHY WHY WHY? Yeah. I have to take a bath just to restore circulation to my feet now.

So, page five! Thus ends scene two. I totally needed some rich old name for one of the armchair dicks, so I just swiped one from my pal Edith Wharton.

Oh, Newland...

Friday, November 21, 2008


It's so freaking cold in my room. Drawing silly comics to stay warm. Also drinking hot chocolate.

So yeah, page four. I debated for awhile over what scene should come next. I didn't want to confuse people, but I also thought it was important for the next main character to be "on camera" ASAP. So here we go! And also, I thought I was ON TOP of the stupid freaking tea tray until I finished. And then I realized it switched hands in the last two panels. YAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Fuck it, maybe she's just not a lefty, y'know? She was just shifting shit around. Yeah, that's it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Page Three

I hate perspective, not like I even did it right. OH SNAP. I REQUIRE NO T-SQUARE.

So instead of homework, I finished this page. And I totally stole the name Loch from this kid I worked with at the Ultrashit. It's a really good weird name.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Whoo, hooray for figuring out a good way to handle the paneling. Wobbly ugly black boxes? YES. Scrawny right-angles? NO.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Should've quit while I was ahead

And our other heroine. Doesn't look as sharp as the little maid in this sketch, I have to say. Probably because I rushed it. I really like Willa. She's the story, really. I had no idea what to call her, then one day I was brushing my teeth and the name just popped into my head. I thought, damn, that is perfect for that one chick in that one comic I want to write. And that's how it happened. I wish this wasn't so blah looking.


Man, I really want hot chocolate but there is no hot chocolate to slake my thirst. LAME.

No panels done today. But I did a fair amount of wacom sketching. Here's a quick one of the other main character. I think it turned out pretty OK. I still feel like my draftsmanship is super shitty. I should probably see if there's some life drawing sessions around, or just go to Cabrillo and enroll. Maybe.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I have to figure out how to love and respect my wacom tablet. Just as wacom tablet needs to be respectin' this. So it's comic time, possibly? This might actually happen. I have the entire first chapter sketched out on graph paper, and a plot that doesn't quit. (Well, not immediately thus far.) Of course, that's me for you. So many things I want to do that never get done. BUT THIS TIME? Maybe. I even made the first page tonight! On my wacom tablet! HOORAY!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So, hey. I made a font of my handwriting. And a two-paneled comic.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fuck Lou Dobbs

Seriously, Lou Dobbs is such an asshole.

Also, here's some more creative output:

Monday, February 18, 2008


So part of the reason for moving up here from my hometown of San Diego was for a change. I was in a sad and sorry, constantly soused state for the greater half of last year. Happily, things are looking up. So far. Click to enlarge.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I already have a liveGournal (guess I'm not smart like you) but yet I need a blog?


I suppose I am a sucky early adopter, that's why. I had a blog like a million years ago, when I played Sailor Moon RPGs ONLINE (you probably guessed that I had no friends, and you're totally right). But now I manage my internet persona with extreme restraint. No stupid facebook or shit. Just the necessary stupid shit, like livegournal, myspace, perhaps an okcupid profile so creepy men can tell me I'm pretty and mysterious now and again...


The point is that I hate the internetz but I cannot live without them.

I draw comics. I write... things. Sometimes. I'm a mediocre singer, a pathetic guitarist, and a tolerable bassist. I am a reprehensible drunk blogger. I also am in grad school.